Cyber Attack Space Elements (Selective)

This blog post is just a "thinking out loud and writing it down" blog post about cyber attack space(s). Here are some of the elements of the cyber attack space: Enterprise IT-created / enabled business / system processes (or certain activities of those processes) are connected to the web; Mobile devices become "smart" and, as… Continue reading Cyber Attack Space Elements (Selective)

Suggested Annual Corporate Cyber Budget Elements

Suggested annual corporate cyber budget elements At this point-in-time on January 2, 2024, I think there are several budget elements which corporations should include, or consider including, in the list of known and probable (continual) annual cyber expenditures. My suggested annual corporation cyber budget elements are the: Cost of creating and maintaining a cyber insurance… Continue reading Suggested Annual Corporate Cyber Budget Elements

Our Cyber-Forming World

I believe that our world - inclusive of the surface, below in our oceans and lakes and rivers, and above it in the air and in space - is becoming cyber-formed.  The cyber-forming is driven by the almost uncountable vast number of multi-dimensional cyber attack spaces that are continually wrapping themselves around and through everything,… Continue reading Our Cyber-Forming World

Potential Categories of a Cyber Attack Space Topography

The concept of topography, specifically related to cyber attack spaces, has been rattling in my head for the past few months. What are the shapes of current cyber attack spaces? What are the shapes of future cyber attack spaces? What might a person include as categories (and elements of the categories) of cyber attack spaces… Continue reading Potential Categories of a Cyber Attack Space Topography