The Cyber Medium is the Message

The insurance industry is shifting from one portfolio of risk events that it has identified and managed profitably for thousands of years to a new, and significantly different portfolio of risk events: a plethora of cyber risk events that the insurance industry erroneously believes it can successfully identify and manage profitably. Specifically, the insurance industry… Continue reading The Cyber Medium is the Message

Insurer Cyber Strategy In a Cyber-Forming New World (V 1.0) (Minimally updated March 27, 2024)

Strategy: a concept loaded with many facets and meanings I know there are different views, definitions, and descriptions of strategy: what is it, what does it mean, why does a corporation need a strategy, and how does a corporation create a strategy are only a few questions about strategy. I don't plan to answer any… Continue reading Insurer Cyber Strategy In a Cyber-Forming New World (V 1.0) (Minimally updated March 27, 2024)