A Proposed Enterprise Cyber Risk Profile Framework [First Cut]

Does your enterprise have a cyber risk profile? Is it continually updated? Is is 'a real-time profile?" (Does your enterprise know what a cyber risk profile is or why it might be necessary?) If yes to any of those questions, do you believe your enterprise cyber risk profile encompasses every, or at least most, of… Continue reading A Proposed Enterprise Cyber Risk Profile Framework [First Cut]

Cyber Predictions: You Don’t Know…

I believe that there are many unknowns in the Cyber Age. You can flash back to the 2X2 of "known-knowns", "known-unknowns", "unknown-knowns" and "unknown-unknowns" but I want to keep it somewhat straightforward. That's why I show the illustrative visualization below. It's my attempt of showing a relatively straight-forward visualization, a 2-dimensional visualization at that, of… Continue reading Cyber Predictions: You Don’t Know…

Cyber Attack Space Elements (Selective)

This blog post is just a "thinking out loud and writing it down" blog post about cyber attack space(s). Here are some of the elements of the cyber attack space: Enterprise IT-created / enabled business / system processes (or certain activities of those processes) are connected to the web; Mobile devices become "smart" and, as… Continue reading Cyber Attack Space Elements (Selective)

Possible Cyber Risk Financing Stack (For Large / Jumbo) & Mid-Size ?? Enterprises

The visual below is an illustrative cyber risk financing stack for Large / Jumbo enterprises. And maybe Mid-Size enterprises as well ??? For me, this stack visualizes a possible end-game for (re)insurers now selling cyber insurance. It reflects my point-of-view that (re)insurers should not be selling cyber insurance at all. Each segment of the stack… Continue reading Possible Cyber Risk Financing Stack (For Large / Jumbo) & Mid-Size ?? Enterprises

The Cyber Medium is the Message

The insurance industry is shifting from one portfolio of risk events that it has identified and managed profitably for thousands of years to a new, and significantly different portfolio of risk events: a plethora of cyber risk events that the insurance industry erroneously believes it can successfully identify and manage profitably. Specifically, the insurance industry… Continue reading The Cyber Medium is the Message

Risk Landscapes: Traditional & Cyber-Focused

During my insurance industry years (industry itself, management consulting, insurance industry analyst), there were illustrations of the risk landscape of risk events to consumers and/or enterprises at that point-in-time. Often, the risk landscape included attempts at frequency and severity of each risk. "Traditional" Risk Landscape For me, the 'traditional' risk landscapes encompasses risks, some of… Continue reading Risk Landscapes: Traditional & Cyber-Focused

The Luxury of Being Cyber Secure Does Not Exist (Now or Ever) in the Digital World of Commerce

Someone on LinkedIn said that enterprises can become more cyber secure if they identify, choose, and ensure the firms they choose to conduct commerce have “value” and are cyber secure. (That statement triggered this blog post.) However, even systems we believe have value will themselves connect to other systems (which we may or may not… Continue reading The Luxury of Being Cyber Secure Does Not Exist (Now or Ever) in the Digital World of Commerce

Our Cyber-Forming World

I believe that our world - inclusive of the surface, below in our oceans and lakes and rivers, and above it in the air and in space - is becoming cyber-formed.  The cyber-forming is driven by the almost uncountable vast number of multi-dimensional cyber attack spaces that are continually wrapping themselves around and through everything,… Continue reading Our Cyber-Forming World

Insurer Cyber Strategy In a Cyber-Forming New World (V 1.0) (Minimally updated March 27, 2024)

Strategy: a concept loaded with many facets and meanings I know there are different views, definitions, and descriptions of strategy: what is it, what does it mean, why does a corporation need a strategy, and how does a corporation create a strategy are only a few questions about strategy. I don't plan to answer any… Continue reading Insurer Cyber Strategy In a Cyber-Forming New World (V 1.0) (Minimally updated March 27, 2024)